Bridging on Mantle Mainnet

07/16/235 min read

Mantleby Mantle


Bridging on Mantle Mainnet

In this article, we will be providing you with the necessary steps to bridge to and from Mantle Network Mainnet. Each wallet that interacts with the bridge will be able to receive 1 $MNT token as a bonus for their first deposit transaction (once only) to sponsor their gas fees on Mantle L2 and we’ll be explaining how that works, alongside waiting times for deposits and withdrawals. 

We’ll be covering these points: 

  1. Standard deposit process

  2. Standard withdrawal process

  3. Deposit and withdrawal waiting times 

  4. Viewing your account

  5. $MNT Bonus

1. Deposit Process

In order to bridge and be eligible for the $MNT bonus, you have to be bridging via our official Mainnet Bridge. Follow this link: on your desktop or Metamask mobile app dApp browser.

Deposit tokens to L2

Bridge Deposit

  1. Choose the asset you want to deposit from the dropdown menu 

  2. Enter the amount you want to deposit 

  3. Allocate allowance for the asset you want to deposit (if you’re depositing non-ETH assets) 

Bridge Depositapprove

  1. Click on “Deposit to L2” 

Gas Fees Reminder:

You will need ETH on L1 as gas fees to deposit your tokens from Ethereum Mainnet and $MNT on L2 as gas fees to transact your deposited tokens on Mantle Network. 

Confirm Deposit

Bridge Confirmdeposit

You’ll see a confirmation pop-up containing information about: 

  • The amount you’re bridging

  • An approximate time to transfer

  • The expected gas fee on Ethereum L1

After double-checking the points above: 

  • Click on “Confirm” to initiate your deposit

2. Withdrawal Process 

The withdrawal process from Mantle Network Mainnet is as simple as the deposit process. 

Go to the “Withdraw” tab on the Mainnet Bridge page: on your desktop or Metamask mobile app dApp browser.

Withdraw Tokens From L2

Bridge Withdraw

  1. Choose the asset you want to withdraw from the dropdown menu Enter the amount you want to withdraw 

  2. Enter the amount you want to withdraw
  3. Allocate allowance for the asset you want to withdraw (if you’re withdrawing non-MNT assets) Bridge Withdrawapprove

  4. Click on “Withdraw Tokens from L2” 

Gas Fees Reminder: 

You will need $MNT on L2 as gas fees to initiate the withdrawal from Mantle Mainnet and ETH on L1 as gas fees to claim the withdrawal  on Ethereum Mainnet. 

Confirm Withdrawal

Bridge Confirmwithdraw

You’ll see a confirmation pop-up containing information about: 

  • The amount you’re bridging

  • An approximate time to transfer

  • The expected gas fee on Mantle L2

  • The expected gas fee on Ethereum L1

After double-checking the points above: 

  • Click on “Confirm” to initiate your withdrawal

3. Deposit and Withdrawal Waiting Times  

Waiting times for deposits and withdrawals are approximated to be: 

  • Deposit: depending on Ethereum Mainnet congestion

  • Withdrawal: 7 days (due to rollup challenge period). Please note that users only have to wait 30 minutes to prove the withdrawal transaction. After this, the 7-day challenge period will start. 

4. View Your account and Check Status 

Bridge Accounthistory

There’s a page for you to check the bridging history and status of your deposit, withdrawal or migration transactions on Mainnet.

Connect your wallet and click on the account address on the top right of the Bridge webpage or simply follow this link: 

5. $MNT Bonus

The $MNT bonus will be sent to the users wallet address on Mantle L2 after 1 successful deposit of any token from Ethereum L1 to Mantle L2. 

Things to keep in mind: 

  • No restriction on deposit token type nor minimum deposit amount

  • $MNT bonus (1 $MNT) is limited to ONE per qualifying wallet address — the bonus amount and qualification factors may change in the future

  • Must be using our official Mainnet bridge via

How to check your MNT bonus on the Bridge:

  1. After 1 successful deposit, you should see the “Deposit complete” screen and a notification for “MNT bonus sent!”

  2. Click [Add Mantle Network] to add/switch to Mantle L2 on your wallet to see the additional 1 $MNT bonus sent

Bonus Check Bridgeui

How to check your MNT bonus on the Explorer:

  • To see the bonus transfer transaction on the Explorer, you may lookup your address on and click [Internal Transactions] tab to see the transaction record

Bonus Check Explorer


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